One week after her first birthday, in January 1944, the father of Marijcke van Bilsen was shot dead by resistance fighters. Seventy years later Marijcke investigates and wants to find out what exactly happened. How is it that resistance men liquidated a colleague who had previously helped two secret agents of the England Spiel escape?
Marijcke reconstructs the last hours of her father and finds out that she is not the only one who still struggles with the story. After almost three quarters of a century, the liquidation of her father is still very sensitive and those directly involved still appear to be alive.
Producer: Doerak Film
Director & scripting: Jeroen van den Kroonenberg
DOP & editor: Stefan Thoolen
Boom operator: Freek Huijs
Main character: Marijcke van Bilsen
Clients: L1 & Omroep Brabant